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Department of Applied Mathematics

Research Fellow / Research Assistant

(Ref. 240502013)

(1) Research Fellow
      [Appointment period: four months]

(2) Research Assistant
      [Appointment period: four months]


The appointees will assist the project leader in the research project - “Continuous-time mean-variance portfolio selection for large traders in non-Markovian setting”.


Applicants for the Research Fellow post should have a doctoral degree with at least three years of postdoctoral research experience or equivalent qualifications and experience.

Applicants for the Research Assistant post should have an honours degree or an equivalent qualification.

For all posts, applicants should also be proficient in mathematics and stochastic control.

Applicants are invited to contact Dr Zuoquan Xu at telephone number 2766 6962 or via email at for further information.

Conditions of Service

A highly competitive remuneration package will be offered.  

Consideration of applications will commence on 9 May 2024 until the positions are filled.

Posting date: 2 May 2024